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Satanic Gala with Hollywood celebrities…
Edited Dec. 14, 2018 and Jan. 17, 2019 and June 2, 2023.
This page could originally be found on That page has since been deleted, but you can still find it in the Internet Archive here:
The only change I have made below is to rearrange the order of the photos, to make it much more logical, and delete 3 doublets, so there are now 57 photos.
You can find an analysis of the Satanic, pedophile, and cannibalistic nature of this Hollywood ‘Gala’ here: LEAKED: Hollywood PEDO Party Pics EXCLUSIVE Exposed (video). (Jan 17, 2019: It seems the original poster/publisher of this video has been removed from youtube, so this is a copy. There is another copy here.) Note! There is ONE problem with this video: The gala was in Nov. 2011, but around 17:00 (m:s) he quotes a webpage about the MOCA Gala 2016.
There is also an article about the gala on, from November 2011, including a few photos that are not below: Losing Our Appetites: Pictures from Marina Abramovic’s MOCA Gala
Over 400 photos from the Gala, of celebrity participants with their names, are available on GettyImages: CA: 2011 MOCA Gala – An Artist’s Life Manifesto, Directed By Marina Abramovic – Red Carpet
Another relevant video on the subject is MILEY CYRUS EXPOSES PIZZAGATE IN HOLLYWOOD
Note! Generally my website is about advanced spiritual, psychological, ethical, and political (power conspiracy) subjects. The motto of my website is: The path to eternal life is spiritual and sexual
Addition June 2, 2023:
According to Google, people find my website via the search words ‘maria brockovich’. But those words are not even mentioned on my site (until now…), and I have never heard of such a person?? Are those people actually trying to search for ‘Marina Abramovic’ – the main person behind the ‘Maria Occult Gala’?
Henrik Rosenø
Maria Occult Gala

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