Soul fragmentation – the real cause for the existence of both heartbreak, unfaithfulness, polyamory, jealousy, etc.

Our souls are fragmented. This problem is as yet only known and understood by very few people, although the oldest book I know on the subject was published in 1986: “Original Cause I – The Unseen Role of Denial” by Ceanne DeRohan.
Soul fragmentation is a very comprehensive subject, but together with denial, it actually explains all the problems that mankind has not so far been able to understand and solve.

Soul fragmentation – the real cause for the existence of both heartbreak, unfaithfulness, polyamory, jealousy, etc. Read More »

‘Judgement Day’, the plagues of our time, & death – cause & solution

Basically all these plagues are due to our lack of understanding of ourselves and our inner spiritual state. Even the existence of ageing, disease, pain and death is due to our lack of understanding of ourselves. The inner problem that we have never yet been able to (or wanted to) understand, is that our souls are fragmented. This is a very comprehensive subject…

‘Judgement Day’, the plagues of our time, & death – cause & solution Read More »

Both men and women can experience 2 fundamentally different types of orgasm

I am quite sure that all women (and all men!) can achieve 2 fundamentally different types of orgasm. I will call them ejaculatory orgasm and transformational orgasm. It’s a mental question. The point is that there are 2 fundamentally different ways of understanding and using the sexual energy.

Both men and women can experience 2 fundamentally different types of orgasm Read More »

World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality – 2008

Delhi, India, January 5-8, 2008 Globalizing Our Work – Dec. 23, 2009: The link does not work at the moment! Keynotes by: Lama Samdhong Rinpoche, the Prime Minister of Tibet-in-Exile, The Dharma of Cultural Preservation. BKS Iyengar, The Future of Spiritual Practice and Teaching in the World. Robert Thurman, Chair of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies,

World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality – 2008 Read More »

The Transformation – about mankind’s situation and possibilities

Formerly mankind has not dared letting the denied enter the consciousness, because we have not been able to accept and understand it and release it, and therefore we have not been able to understand ourselves and life fully, and realize our full potential. This opportunity exists now for those who dare let it happen.

The Transformation – about mankind’s situation and possibilities Read More »

Calling Home the Fragments of Our Souls

I learned that every lifetime that I was recalling had to do with some aspect of myself that was presently in the process of healing. The part of me that was a victim cleared out as I allowed each and every memory to emotionally release through me — that is, I relived every incident in that lifetime and released the horror I experienced.

Calling Home the Fragments of Our Souls Read More »