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Delhi, India, January 5-8, 2008
Globalizing Our Work – Dec. 23, 2009: The link does not work at the moment!
Keynotes by:
Lama Samdhong Rinpoche, the Prime Minister of Tibet-in-Exile, The Dharma of Cultural Preservation.
BKS Iyengar, The Future of Spiritual Practice and Teaching in the World.
Robert Thurman, Chair of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Columbia University, Global Spiritual Renaissance.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Future of Spirituality in the World.
Stan and Christina Grof (by video), The Indian Contribution to Transpersonal Psychology.
Karan Singh, Kashmir Member of the Indian Parliament, Spirituality and Political Leadership.
Sudhir Kakar, Psychology and Spirituality.
Presenters from 30 countries…. Pre conference Vedic Fire Ritual…. Taj Mahal Tour…. Workshops.
JC Kapur ( for sponsoring the World is One Family pre-conference event at Surya Farms, Delhi, India.
The European Transpersonal Association is convening a conference on Forgiveness and Terror in Freiburg, Germany, September 21-24, 2007 in conjunction with the India 2008 Congress. – March 12, 2012: The link does not work at the moment!
Henrik Rosenø
(or: Roseno, Rosenoe)
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